Dispute Resolution

The purpose of the Private Limited Company is to provide the Client with a high-quality Service. If the Client has any dissatisfaction with the Company’s service or customer service, they should inform the Company. The Company follows the following principles in the submission and handling of complaints.

    This document is established based on § 44, subsection 1 and subsection 3, clause 12 of the Consumer Protection Act (KAVS).


    1. The Client submits the complaint in a chosen format (verbally, in writing, electronically, etc.) to the contact details of the Company (i.e., address, email, telephone, fax, etc.). The Company's contact details are available on the Website.
    2. The complaint should include the Client's name (first and last name in the case of a consumer), personal identification code or date of birth or registration code, contact address, email address, and phone number. The circumstances of the dissatisfaction should be described as precisely as possible, and documents supporting the complaint should be attached. If desired, the Client can specify their preferred channel for receiving feedback from the Company.
    3. The Company will generally resolve the complaint within 15 days if the Client is a consumer and within 30 days if the Client is a legal entity. The Company has the right to extend these deadlines if the circumstances of the complaint are complex or require further analysis for other reasons. The Client will be informed in a format that allows written reproduction of the reasons for the extension and the extended response deadline.
    4. The Company responds to the complaint either verbally, in writing, or electronically. If the Client has specified a preferred communication channel in the complaint, the Company will respond through that channel. If the complaint is rejected, a clear and understandable explanation will be provided.
    5. The Company aims to resolve any disputes through negotiation.
    6. If negotiations do not resolve the dispute, the Client has the right to seek protection of their rights in court or, if the Client is a consumer, through the Consumer Protection Board. Pre-court mediators' and supervisory authorities' contact information will be provided to the Client (the list may not be exhaustive). Any court dispute will be resolved in the court jurisdiction of the Company’s location unless otherwise agreed by the Parties or provided otherwise by legislation.

    Financial Supervision Authority

    Sakala 4, 15030 Tallinn,
    phone 6 680 500, fax 6 680 501, email: info@fi.ee

    Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority

    Sõle 23a, 10614 Tallinn,
    phone 667 2000, fax 620 1707, email: info@ttja.ee

    The consumer has the right to turn to the Consumer Complaints Commission operating under the Consumer Protection Authority.

    Data Protection Inspectorate

    Tatari 39, 10134 Tallinn,
    phone 627 4135, email: info@aki.ee